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Types & Cause of Solar Eclipse

A eclipse happens when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, block some or all of the Sun's rays. By cosmic coincidence, although the Sun is four hundred times wider than the Moon however it's conjointly four hundred times farther, thus 2 objects seem to be constant size in our sky. Astronomers are able to predict eclipses as a result of the Earth and Moon have terribly foreseeable orbits. Then why is there not an eclipse monthly? The Moon's orbit typically tilts some degrees north or south with relation to the Earth. When the Moon eclipses the Sun, it casts two types of shadows on the Earth. A little dark shade called umbra and an oversized shade called penumbra. There are four types of solar eclipses, the first and the most spectacular is the total eclipse. A complete eclipse will solely be seen once you stand among the umbral shadow once the moon utterly covers the surface of the sun. That's why the fanciful line shaped by this shadow, because it runs across the world, is known as the path of totality. Those within the penumbral shadow only see a second type of partial eclipse. Out of the path of totality this view shows the moon passing in front of the center of the Sun and does not completely cover its surface. The third horoscope eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun. However, unlike a total eclipse, the Moon appears too small to completely cover the Sun. The moon's orbit is elliptical, so sometimes it is close to the earth and sometimes it gets away from it. The final hybrid eclipse occurs when the position of the moon between the Earth and the Sun is so finely balanced that the curvature of the Earth plays a role. The Moon will be away from parts of the Earth along the eclipse path. An annular eclipse in other parts will result in the Moon being sufficient to fully cover the Sun. Whereas a total solar eclipse occurs somewhere on the Earth every year or any given two points on the Earth only experience this event once every 400 years. Seeing the sun directly during an eclipse can also cause permanent eye damage. Fortunately, the ways to enjoy an eclipse are safer. The easiest is to use certified eclipse viewing glasses that are thousands of times darker than typical sunglasses. You can also see the eclipse indirectly by creating a pinhole viewer. Just poke a small hole in a piece of cardboard. Place the cardboard up to the sun, allowing the image of the sun to be projected onto a flat surface. Be sure to look only at the surface and not through the cardboard. Before the Moon completely covers the lower valleys of the Sun at the edge of the Moon, there will only be spots that pass through the Sunlight. These remaining magnificent shafts of light, known as the beads of Bailey, will disappear one after another. And finally a single bead of light is known as a sign of a diamond ring that is seconds away from you experiencing totality. Once the final bead disappears and the moon completely covers the surface of the sun. The visual pitch-black totality will be achieved through your eclipse glasses. At this point none of the sun's rays are reaching your eyes and this is the only time it is safe to take off your glasses. Remember to put your eclipse glasses back before any of the sun's rays start peeping again. Any sunlight reaching your eyes for a few seconds can cause serious damage. While an eclipse may last for a few hours the totality is usually less than three minutes. Animals and plants are also known to change their behavior during total eclipses. Songbirds may stop singing, chirping may start and flowers may also stop. We will not always be able to see total solar eclipses, which the moon moves about one and a half inches away from the Earth every year. It is estimated that in about a billion years the Moon will be far enough away from the Earth to fully cover the Sun.

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