Malana : An Ancient Village of India
Malana is an ancient village in the state of Himachal
Pradesh and India. Situated in the Malana Nala of Parvati Valley to the northeast of the
Kullu Valley, this village is isolated from the rest of the world. Situated
under the shadow of the peaks of Chanderkhani and Dev Tibba and on the banks of
the river Malna, at an elevation of 2,652 meters (8,701 ft) above sea level.
Malana has its own lifestyle and social structure. People here strictly follow
their customs. Malana has produced various documentaries including Malana:
Globalization of a Himalayan Village and Malana: A Lost Identity. Taxi services
are available from Mandi, Kullu or Zari to Malana, which takes tourists to Malana Gate. The road ahead would
have to be covered on foot which takes about 3 hours.
The local people are followers of Jamlu Rishi and follow the
rules and laws made by them. Locals claim that it is one of the oldest
democracies in the world, with a well-organized parliamentary system, guided by
their deity (deity) Jamlu Rishi. Jamlu is believed to have been worshiped in
the pre-Aryan period. Penelope Chetwood tells a story about an orthodox Brahmin
priest who visited Malana and tried to educate the locals about the lineage of
their deity. The villagers believe that they have pure Aryan genes and are
descendants of Alexander the Great's soldiers.
The Malana Hydroelectric Dam Project has brought Malana very
close for the rest of the world and also provides revenue for the region. Due
to the dam, the road has reduced the time to reach Malana from many days to
just 3 hours, although the project has damaged the beauty of the valley. On 5
January 2008, due to the fierce fire in the village, the village suffered a lot
of damage. This fire, which had been burning for more than 5 hours, destroyed
cultural structures and parts of ancient temples.
The residents of Malana speak Kanashi / Raksha which is
understood only by the villagers. "Kanashi, the language of Malana, does
not match any of the dialects spoken in its neighborhood. This language seems
to be a mixture of Sanskrit and many Tibetan dialects.
Malana's economy was traditionally based on making baskets,
ropes and slippers from hemp fiber. Here cannabis was cultivated as a legal
cash crop for centuries. Maize and potato are also produced in the village.
While tourism is now a major source of income for the village. Recently
tourists have been banned from staying overnight in the village. This decision
has been taken to protect the village from the ill effects of the outside
world. As a result, hotels and guest houses opened by outsiders have been
closed. Tourists can travel during the day and have to leave the village before
it gets dark or they can stay in some home stay owned by the locals.
जल विद्युत् बांध परियोजना ने शेष दुनिया
के लिए मलाणा को बहुत करीब
ला दिया है और इस
क्षेत्र के लिए राजस्व
भी प्रदान करता है। बांध के कारण बानी
सड़क ने मलाणा पहुंचे
के समय को कई दिनों
से घटाकर सिर्फ 3 घंटे कर दिया है,
हालाँकि इस परियोजना से
घाटी की सुंदरता को
नुकसान पहुंचा है। 5 जनवरी 2008 को गाँव में
हुए भीषण अग्निकांड से इस गांव
को बहुत नुकसान हुआ। 5 घंटे से अधिक समय
तक जलती रही इस आग में
सांस्कृतिक संरचनाओं और प्राचीन मंदिरों
के कुछ हिस्सों को नष्ट कर
दिया था।
की अर्थव्यवस्था पारंपरिक रूप से भांग के
रेशे से टोकरी, रस्सी
और चप्पल बनाने पर आधारित थी।
यहाँ पर भांग की
खेती सदियों से कानूनी नकदी
फसल के रूप में
की जाती थी। गाँव में मक्का और आलू का
भी उत्पादन होता है। जबकि पर्यटन अब गांव के
लिए आय का एक
प्रमुख स्रोत है। हाल ही में पर्यटकों
को गांव में रात भर रहने पर
प्रतिबंध लगाया गया है। यह निर्णय गाँव
को बाहरी दुनिया के कुप्रभाव
से बचाने के लिए किया
गया है। परिणामस्वरूप, बाहरी लोगों द्वारा खोले गए होटल
और गेस्ट हाउस बंद कर दिए गए
हैं। पर्यटक दिन के दौरान यात्रा
कर सकते हैं और अंधेरा होने
से पहले गांव छोड़ कर जाना पड़ता
है या वे स्थानीय
लोगों के स्वामित्व वाले
कुछ होम स्टे में रह सकते हैं।